Reading an image - media codes

Reading an image - media codes

1) Analyse this RBK 50 Cent advert using the media codes you learned in the lesson: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Write a paragraph for each one exploring the way meanings are created using those media codes.

The lighting is dark and the light focuses on his face and the bottom right of his shoulder. The lighting is on his face as the focus is on him. It appears to look like 50 cent has a scar on his shoulder, implying that he got injured. A medium close up shot on 50 cent's face is used to show the serious facial expressions on his face and is directly looking at the audience, like he's trying to deliver a message. The screen is split into two sides, one showing his firm facial expressions and the other side showing fingerprints, indicating his criminal past. It has been edited this way to show that 50 cent is different to his past and has perhaps changed into a better person, and leaving that criminal past behind.

The slogan used in the advert is 'I am what I am'. This slogan is short, memorable, and is placed in the centre as it would want the audience to read it and take a message away from it. The slogan is conveying the message that you should have self acceptance and become a better person, and that 50 cent has already owned up to his past and has moved on positively. The slogan is transparent and coloured white. It is noticeable and catches the audience's attention however moves the attention to 50 cent and his quote. In the quote, all the 'o' letters are shaded in white. This is very symbolic as in his past, 50 cent got shot multiple times, and the letters represent the bullet shots. On the right side, is a quote from 50 cent. It's placed on the right because he is 'right'. This is symbolic as he tells us that tomorrow is not guaranteed and to live life to the fullest. This gives some aspiration and motivation to the audience to be grateful everyday.

50 cent is wearing a cap, bulletproof vest, chain and an earring. The clothing that he's wearing indicates that he is some gangster. The silver chain and earring could imply wealth. His image is placed on the left side of the advert. We can see that he has a serious facial expression and it looks like as if he's keeping eye contact with the audience. This advert poster is coloured in black and white. The colour codes black and white have been used to show a clear distinction of memories and create a mood of nostalgia. Black and white could represent a flashback. He states 'Where I am from', meaning he is remembering something significant in his past. The quote font is Courier New. This font radiates dignity, prestige, and stability. This perfectly links with the overall background of the advert and can suggest that 50 cent is now stable and he is going through success. 

This advert poster uses enigma code. This is shown where he says his quote on the right hand side. 50 cent must have addressed this for a reason, indicating that something significant took part in his past. When people stop and reflect about this, they might start to question what happened to him in the past and the audience would want to see how he overcomes it. 

2) Next, analyse a print advert of your choice using the same media codes: Technical, Written or verbal, Symbolic or non-verbal, Narrative. Make sure you add your chosen print advert using the 'Add image' button in blogger (use Google Images to find the advert first and save it to your pictures or downloads). 


In this poster, there is a woman that has her emotions and thoughts on her face. The camera work used here is a close up shot. A close up shot was used to show the audience that if you keep your emotions and overthinking bottled up then it will have an impact on your mental health. The lighting used in this poster is very dull and dark in the background. The lighting focuses on the person's face; this is used to show the negative effect mental health can have on someone. It also shows her facial expressions, which looks like she's in a low mood and she's upset. The editing used was the different emotions and thoughts on the person's face. This shows the audience that you should share your feelings with someone you trust.

Written/verbal codes:

The anchorage text used in this poster is 'Share it. Don't wear it.'. This means that you should open up and share your emotions with someone and seek help instead of keeping it to yourself as it can have negative impacts on your mental health. The phrase 'Don't wear it' could imply self harm- you shouldn't isolate yourself and harm your body. It is placed on the bottom centre of the poster. It can still be viewed by the audience but the main focus is the person. The font is in capital letters to portray the importance of telling someone instead of keeping it to yourself. The text written are command words, and are directly telling the audience to share their feelings with another person, to show that it can benefit the person's overthinking and let them feel relieved when letting their emotions out instead of not speaking at all. The little text at the very bottom gives a reminder to the audience that they are not alone and they should speak up. A website is given for people to talk to professionals that can give advice to overcome their struggles.

Symbolic/non verbal codes:

A woman is shown in the image, meaning that the target audience could be for adults struggling with mental health issues. The woman's facial expressions seems as if she's in a low mood and feels nervous and depressed. This shows that mental health can decrease happiness and enjoyment and can make you very unhappy and shows the audience that keeping emotions to yourself can lead to those complications and may trigger other mental health problems. The actor placement is in the centre as it is the main focus is on the woman struggling with her emotions. The setting looks like it's a dark and lonely place, and seems like the woman is isolating herself in a dark room. People that struggle with mental health problems tend to do this to shut off from everyone else and  uses it as a coping mechanism however it can impact you to maintain social connections with one another. 

Narrative codes:

Both enigma and action codes are used. Enigma code is used as the audience may question what help they can seek after they share their problems and how it will help them. Action code is used to show that if a person ,like the woman in the poster, keeps there emotions to themselves it would have a detrimental impact to their mental health, so they should speak to someone about it.


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